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Sound Therapy and the Five Elements: Water

In this series of posts, I've been discussing how to use tuning forks to balance the five elements. In the last post I discussed the fire element, here I'll talk about water.


Water flows and can do so as a trickle or as a raging flood. Most people like to sit by a stream and watch the water flow by. Do you feel more relaxed as the water calmly passes by or when it flows by quickly creating mini rapids. If you are like me, watching a fast moving stream can be invigorating and energizing. Too much water causing a stream to overflow its natural boundaries can cause destruction. So water can be nurturing, invigorating or destructive. Too little water can also be destructive. Symptoms of dehydration include fatigue and weakness.

Now apply this to yourself or others. We've all been in situations where we or someone we are with continues to talk, on and on seemingly unable to stop. This is a sign of excess water. If you are working on a project and can't seem to stop, you might say that you are in the flow. This not necessarily a bad thing, the question you need to ask is if you are in control or if the flow has got you. I can recall many times where I was working on a project and felt almost frantic about it, needing to keep going and feeling like taking a break was not an option. I was caught up in the ranging river. Now when I recognize this, I can stop, step back and take a break. I may still feel like I need to keep going, but that little break is like hanging on to the side of the pool rather than treading water trying to stay afloat.

So if you or someone you are working with is feeling out of balance with water, try the tuning fork procedure below. Remember, excess fire can also be deficient water so be sure to consider and work with all the elements to create balance.

Try this protocol from John Beaulieu to balance water with Solar Harmonic Tuning Fork Set:

Water Balance
C256 G
C256 D
C256 B

In the next post I will discuss the protocol for earth. For more information on sound therapy and the five elements, take a look at Dr. John Beaulieu's book, Human Tuning.