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Getting Started with Tuning Forks

Here are some short videos on the different types of tuning forks meant to help you select the right tuning forks for you and how to use them. These are the same videos you might have seen on the h … read more

FAQ - A Tuning Fork Primer

About our Tuning ForksAll of our tuning forks are made in the USA. Some are manufactured for Omnivos Therapeutics and others are from Biosonics. You will see either Omnivos or Biosonics on the product … read more

Introduction to Weighted Tuning Forks

A weighted tuning fork is also known as an Otto Tuner. Otto is short for Osteophonic; “osteo” meaning bones and “phonic” relating to sound. So weighted tuning forks or Otto tuners bring sound to th … read more

Introduction to Unweighted Tuning Forks

Unweighted tuning forks can be made to a wide range of frequencies. Medical practitioners use unweighted tuning forks as part of a hearing test. Holistic practitioners use unweighted tuning forks for … read more

Introduction to Sound Therapy

Vibrational Sound TherapyIf you have ever had homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, color therapy, Reiki, flower essences, sound therapy or even aspirin, then you have already experienced vibrational med … read more

Using Two Weighted Tuning Forks Together

The question I was asked was how to use two weighted tuning forks at the same time. It is a really good question. I always start a session with two weighted tuning forks, the Otto 128 and the Om … read more

Care and Cleaning your Tuning Forks

I recently heard from a customer who told me that his tuning forks had turned black. I thought he was being a little dramatic. Tuning forks may oxidize which causes dark splotches on a fork but comple … read more

Om Tuning Fork

I've had a few questions lately about weighted tuning forks and the feeling of being a little spacey after listening to the Solfeggio tuning forks. One reason for the feeling of "spacey" or light-head … read more

Healing with the Solfeggio Tuning Forks

This is the third article on the Solfeggio Tuning forks. The first was an Introduction to the Solfeggio Tuning Forks and the second was How to Use the Solfeggio Tuning Forks. In this post, I'll tal … read more

How to Use the Solfeggio Tuning Forks

This is the second article on the Solfeggio Tuning Forks. The first article was an Introduction to the Solfeggio Tuning Forks. One question I am asked more than any other is "what do I do with the Sol … read more

Using the Otto 128 Weighted Tuning Fork

The Otto 128 weighted tuning fork is the most popular forks in use today. Based on the earth frequency of 8Hz, the Otto 128 can be placed anywhere on the body but you feel it most on joints, muscle an … read more

A Note about Using Weighted Tuning Forks

I received a question about the noise made when the weights at the end of each prong of a weighted tuning fork touch. If the weights are touching when you tap then you are tapping too hard. I usu … read more